Sunday, September 29, 2013

25 Blessings that I am grateful for

I am glad that..

1. I am alive
2. I am a Muslimah
3. My religion is Islam
4. I have a huge family, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, younger sister, and younger brother, friends, teachers, nice neighbours, and nice place to stay.
5. I am studying Master in Science, Halal Product Development at Halal Product Research Institute, UPM.
6. I am staying at my home near the place I'm studying.
7. I have a tutor that can guide throughout my research for my master.
8. I have a supervisor which have a quite number of grants.So, there's no problem for me in terms of the money.
9. I'm glad before I'm studying, I have experience 3 month working at bumiputera's company and make me realize that each drop of the sweat worth every penny that you got.
10.I have a transport, eventhough it is not mine.
11. I have scholarship.
12. I have friends that can share happiness, sad or stories.
13. I have finish my schools not really successful, but still good.
14. I have money in my wallet right now.
15. I still dont have any responsibilities besides my parent(still single dehh, woha)
16. I have a laptop, a handphone, wireless connection at home.
17. I can speak, I can hear, I can see, I can pray, I can breath, I can feel, I can touch, I can read due to the physical appearance that Allah have create me.
18. I had experience done internship (exchange student) at Bogor, Indonesia.
19. I had join Tarikat for stronger my worship to Allah
20. I have my license car
21. I try to fulfill my parents when I capable.
22. I live at Malaysia without war.
23. I still have my memory
24. I can eat peaceful
25. I am proud being only "ME"

-just as the feedback from famous vlogger -Aiman Azlan-

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mood cuti vs Mood kije

salam Sejahtera kepada kawan dan sanak saudara.

Ye. Saya sedang menaip, 
Dan tibe2 terpanggil untuk meluahkan segala.
Seminggu sudah berlalu.
Ye masa sedang berlalu
dan tidak menunggu.
Pabila kulihat kembali apa yang berlaku selama seminggu yang lalu..

Isnin - mood cuti masih berlegar di minda, mood kije masih menyorok tidak mahu timbul.
Selasa - Mood kije cube atang menjengah di balik tingkap sambil tersipu2 malu untuk bersemuka.
Rabu -Mood kije sudah berada di hadapan pintu.Jemput masuk dan baru ade mood nak buat kije
Khamis - Mood kije semakin memuncak kerna kije semakin rancak.
Jumaat- Sedang semangat tgh memuncak buat kije, bile dilihat, besok sudah hari sabtu,semangat berkije terase lemah,kerna besok seperti mood cuti menjengah tibe2.
Sabtudan Ahad- tak payah kate, kerna mood cuti melonjak gumbira, sedang mood kije tersipu menyorok di balik langsir rumah.

Acane nak siap kije bile mane mood kije da datang tgok2..besok da ari jumaat??!!


MOod cuti


MOod kije

Pengajaran buku "Berdua Masih Lebih Baik" oleh Aiman Azlan - Menzahirkan penghargaan

Salam Sejahtera kepada semua. Setelah sekian lama tak baca buku, kini aku kembali berjinak dengan buku. Dengan percubaan 1 hari 1 helai, kin...