Saturday, February 8, 2014


Salam Sejahtera,

Have you been hurt lately?

I am.


Generally, its about something you must do, and yet you do not know how to do it, and you are doing by yourselves without discuss with others who are knowledgeable than you.

Like research itself, 
you are doing research, 
you must ask people who have experience in that field,
if you dont,
you will be lost, 
and you don't have any idea what you are doing,
and you dont know whether it is right or wrong,
At the final, 
you will be complained, 
you will be ask, 
you will be questione with a lot of question,
and yet, you cannot answer it.
It will make you pride hurt, your heart hurt, your worries haunted you everytime you thinking about it,
Then, you will start to realize, why I dont ask others at the first place?
And yet, its too late to realize.

Similar situation when it comes to the order that has been given by Allah,
in life, 
we have already guided by Allah through Al-Quran, to do what we need to do,
and to avoid what Allah has prohibited.
you being hurt when people question you and you cannot answer it,
but yet its your fault, because you not ready at all in the first place.
have you ever imagine this situation with Allah ?
You dont do, not asking the people who is more knowledgeable and have much more experience living in this world with the way that Allah want we to.
We just ignored.
We are arrogant.
We always fail to satisfy what Allah want us to do.
We fail to pray on time.
We are not feeling any guilty when we do sins,
We pass by prayer like nothing 

Do you have ever feel what Allah feels about us when we let down Allah's hope to his slave?
He was hurt.
It is not a good thing when it comes to "hurt"
and yet

Allah is the Most Merciful, Yang Maha Berkuasa, Yang Maha Penyayang, Yang Maha Mengasihani, lagi Maha Pemurah,

di mana dia  masih memberi peluang pada kita untuk bertaubat, merintih pada Dia, kembali pada jalannya, 
sebelum kita dihantar ke tempat asal.

Ya Allah, 
Ampunkan dosaku ini, 
Sesungguhnya aku penuh dengan dosa,
Ku biarkan diriku bergelumang dengan dosa dalam keadaan kusedar,
Mohon ampunkanlah segala dosaku Ya Allah
Hanya Kau yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Amin Ya Rabbal A'lamin..

Lihatlah sesuatu kejadian itu dengan pandangan mata hati,
sesunguhnya kita pasti dapat kaitkan dengan apa yang Allah cuba sampaikan,
Insya Allah, hati akan menjadi tenang.
Jauhi sakit hati dari manusia yang lain, 
Kerana sakit itu tidak menyenangkan.
Aku maafkan semua orang yang menyakitkan hatiku dalam sedar ataupun tidak.

0308am, Sabtu, 9 Feb 2014

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