Saturday, November 4, 2023

Pengajaran buku "Berdua Masih Lebih Baik" oleh Aiman Azlan - Menzahirkan penghargaan

Salam Sejahtera kepada semua.

Setelah sekian lama tak baca buku, kini aku kembali berjinak dengan buku.

Dengan percubaan 1 hari 1 helai, kini aku da baca 2 buku untuk tahun ini.

Tahun lepas ada baca 1 buku.

Tahniah kepada diriku sendiri.hahaha

 Ok berbalik kepada topik asal.

Di sini kuingin sharing skit apa yang aku dapat untuk perkukuhkan lagi hubungan rumah tangga ku, yang kini sudah mahu menginjak 3 tahun dalam masa 15 hari lagi.

Antara topik yang menarik

- Salah satu perkara yang aku rasa aku lack dalam perhubungan aku, mungkin kurang pendedahan sejak kecil cara untuk kita zahirkan penghargaan selain daripada ucapan terima kasih, atau tidak tahu perkara apa yang menghalang diri daripada kita menzahirkan penghargaan.

- Mengurangkan beban seseorang (ni yg aku rasa la)

- Mengetahui kesukaan dan ketidaksukaan pasangan juga salah satu cara untuk kite mudah menzahirkan penghargaan dengan tidak melakukan perkara yang tidak disukai.

Menariknya, melalui buku ini, telah dinyatakan  beberapa halangan untuk menghargai seseorang.

1. Rasa istimewa (sense of privelege), apabila kite as suami atau isteri merasakan itu adalah tanggungjawab seseorang suami/isteri dan tidak perlu untuk berterima kasih atas itu.

2. Membalas dengan kebaikan setimpal
  Kononnye, bile kite da byr gaji untuk pengasuh, kite rasa kan kite tak perlu lagi buat kebaikan untuk die, ibarat gaji tu da kire sbg setimpal dengan die mengasuh anak kita.

Dapat ku ketahui, pujian itu perlu untuk orang yang bergelar MANUSIA.

"Sukalah saya tengok awak pakai baju ni. Nampak hensem sangat"..fuuuh x penah lagi buat yg ni..nnt leh try..

Perkara kecil begini yang beri impak kepada perhubungan kita.

"A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected"

Rahsia rumah tangga bahagia "Kurangkan sangkaan dan lebihkan penghargaan"

Sekian untuk kali ini,

akan bersambung pada masa akan datang untuk pengajaran yang lain pula..


Food Insecurity? 4 tips to survive

What can we do?

1)Waste less food-shop often, prevent buy in bulk- any left over,     -freeze it@ compost it

2)Grow your own food

3)Buy certified sustainable food - seafood

4)Buy produce from the local farmer

-more nutritious

-prevent carbon emissions


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Important things to consider when pursue studies

5 Things need to be consider before pursue studies in Master/PhD
1. Passion enough in subject matter
2. Enough funding 
3. Self motivation
4. Encouraging Supervisor 
5. Support system-Family/friends

5 Compulsory things need to check out during studies
1. Your requirement for graduation 
    - Need to publish paper in Q1, Scopus Index, WOS Journal
    - Need to present proposal, progress, viva 
    - How long does it take to submit paper
    - How long does it take to submit thesis

2. Publication /Patent submission
    - Beware of predator journal
    - Potential/Target Journals
    - Period of submission - 3-6 month review session

3. Committee Appointment
     - Requirement for the Msc/PhD

4. Conference - Networking
    - Plan for submission
    - Plan your research

5. Teaching assistant
- Good exposure for teaching experience the undergrad students

5 Support system you should have during studies

1. Mentor/Senior
2. Committee Member
3. Research Groups
4. Friends (outside of research)
5. Family/Parents/Spouse

4 things to do to make sure research are on the right track

1. Present research proposal- getting feedback from the expert 
2. Join conferences -updated current news related to the research field
3. Do not miss progress report session - Make a monthly/weekly appointment with supervisor
4. Pray , make doa- May Allah ease the research journey

Good Luck 😀

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Urus Duit {New things that I learn}

 1) Budgeting

2) Start counting

3)Emergy funds

4) Sinking Funds



7) Sedeqah/Zakat


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Things I want to do after PhD, married and have 1 child

 1. Give benefit to others

2. Deliver what I had known all the year's degree, master and phd studies

3. Getting out of my comfort zones

4. Learn about stocks

5. Learn about properties

6. Learn about finances

7. Networking

8. Sell something

9. Teaching

10. Holiday with family

11. Get comfortable with uncomfortable

12. Change my habit

13. Read a book

14. Crocheting

15. Sewing

16. Do something valuable to your life

17. Going to Umra/Hajj with my family

18. Get to know about public gold

19. Saving for Fatma's education

20. Gardening

21. Pay all the debt

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Burst out with the question " Are you okay?"

Long time no see or hear from me.

Yep. As the tittle mention it.

I did burst out with the question.

"Are you okay?"

This is thoroughly when i feel devastated and sometimes quite depress with the lives.

Not that I am not okay, I am living my life.

But considering the job that I got still not par with my background education, people seems pandang me like'slacking'.

But I am happy with my earn, but I know it is not enough for nowadays punye current living, and got daughter afterall, and of course the salary is not enough for me to treat other as it just enough for my living expenses.

Of course other people is concern, but what am i feeling rite now, is still KIV.

As my brother said, you need to start now, by discipline your habit, like starting to read every single day, it is challenging.

As time goes by, now I just realize, already 3 month I worked here, 

Do you get what do you want achieve here?

Do you want to stay here long enough?

You are doing the hardwork, meaning that, lift the heavy thing, today only done the 5 L work for cleaning the incubator, you already feels the tiredness, is it ok?

How about the experience, is everything okay with you?

Everything is okay, and it becoming more complacent, where you already in your mode ''senang', and you are not applying anywhere, and why is that?

Do you still need time to take for a while?

until when?

Friday, September 30, 2022

My marriage


1 Oct 2022



I am still living a peaceful life even though at my age I do not own a house,
my car is just under my name without I used it often,  I do have family living in my parent's house, till now...

One of the unbelievable events in my life, was when I went into marriage in 20.11.2020 because my younger brother going to study overseas, he need to fly back to Mesir for pursuing his study, the original plan would be in next year in Jan 2021, but then all is under Allah's plan who knows better in our life. During MCO, we realize that it's hard to meet others and invite our friends and relatives due to the limitation of the governance outline during the events, so, it comes out only limited to 30 people to come. 

This is when I realize, whenever I went to another event like marriage, I always see the bride cheerfully in the events and most people would be like this whereby you are being the center among the others. But to me, I would not prefer that, because I am a shy person, and I do not prefer to be in the center of events, and Allah did give me what I want exactly during my marriage occasion. Allahuakbar. Allah is the Most Powerful and Hear everything that I wish for. 

Everything happens for a reason. 

Had I introduced my hubby yet?
How do I know him?
Did I mention we know each other because my younger sister wants to get married but then, she does not want to get married before me, so she introduced her friends. One of them is my hubby. Of course, before I met my hubby, I do friends with several guys but not that many in my environment most of it was a woman at that time. 

So, he is the one that messages me first, and then when we first met, eventually at that time my brother ask me around, and within that short time, he agreed to meet my brother as well. That is odd for the first time met, he got the nerve to meet my brother. So that's it. Very simple and straightforward nothing like in the drama, meet 3 times coincidently, no such thing laaa  haiiihh.

This is our picture.

That's all from me for now. Thank you for still reading until now.

Pengajaran buku "Berdua Masih Lebih Baik" oleh Aiman Azlan - Menzahirkan penghargaan

Salam Sejahtera kepada semua. Setelah sekian lama tak baca buku, kini aku kembali berjinak dengan buku. Dengan percubaan 1 hari 1 helai, kin...